Thank you to everyone for all of the love, support and prayers. We have been though so much mentally and physically since mid March, and I am so grateful to say that God has brought us through this with a peace during the times that it was most needed. Of course we still are going through and will be going through certain stages for a while, but I know that God is good. There are still days where maybe something I see, hear or even think about will bring up the pain and it will just hit me hard. It's very unexpected when it happens so it's hard to know how to avoid those things. I just never really know what will do it. There are days like Friday that the pain hits me unexpectedly, however overall I am doing well mentally and physically. On April 1, 2014 at 1:08am we gave birth to a baby boy. We then named him Joseph Edward Rico. My husbands name is Joe and most people think his real name is Joseph so we thought that was perfect. It also means "he will add" and Joseph has added to our family and we know God will add to our family again. And Edward is my husbands middle name so we thought it would go well. We look forward to being able to see him and hold him in heaven one day, until then, he is in the arms of our Heavenly Father.

This week and last, I have been taking care of our sick little boy. He has ear infections in both ears and strep throat, so he has only wanted to lay on me. Today he is playing a little, so I'm trying to get some things done.

I'm so ready to get busy with my 4 hour plan! Today I am going to attempt at least 1-2 hours as long as my son lets me. My main focus is going to be on interviews and following up with those that have shown any interest in the opportunity, then booking. I'm really looking forward to first, getting back into my red jacket. It makes getting ready for the meetings so easy and it also makes packing for seminar really easy.
The race is on! Are you running? Ready...Set..GO!!!
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. -Unknown