Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Day of April

So, it is the last day of April and time is winding down on this very special deal where the company has allowed us to offer getting started with our opportunity for a reduced price. I still have one in the works right now, and since I have done very little work this month, I'm hoping it will come through so I can offer this promotion next month as well. 

It's such an exciting time as we end another month and get closer and closer to the end of our Mary Kay seminar year, which means SEMINAR is so close! Who is attending? I highly recommend that you attend if you weren't already planning to. It is amazing and you won't regret it! If you have not already registered, or did not have priority registration, you can register starting tomorrow!! 

Tomorrow is the start of a brand new month and we must shut this month down strong! 
I will post again Friday.

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