Tuesday, April 29, 2014

MK Love

Yesterday I had to take my son to the doctor and because it was Monday everyone was there and they were so awesome to squeeze us in, however, there was a bit of a wait. I should have brought my work with me, so I could at least send text messages, however I wasn't thinking about it so I got zero hours of work done yesterday.  I do want to share a couple of small things though. 

First, I have these business card magnets that you can peel off the backing and stick your own business card to it. I made about 5 so I can start placing them in orders that I'm mailing out, or to new clients. I know you can order them though mkconnections (and they look like they would be awesome), however I've just got the supplies to do it myself and I think its probably a bit cheaper this way too. You can buy these for about $10-15 for a 100 pk. and that makes them less than .30 ea. when you include the cost of the business cards.

Second, have you seen this? I saw it, and although I'm not sure where it originally came from, it is so cute, eye catching and intriguing. I posted it on my fb page and it's catching some attention. We only have today and tomorrow left for this awesome deal (until you sign up someone this month and then it's extended through next month as well), so we have got to make the best of it! 
Tonight is our meeting so I'll be using this time to soak up the MK love and get my motivation on! Ya'll have a wonderfully wonderful day!

DOUBT is a choice. Just like BELIEF is a choice. -Unknown

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