Wednesday, May 21, 2014

$$$ On The Line!

Yesterday was our meeting night and we had a great time talking about booking and some different eye looks that are a part of our color confident course.

Today's plan for me is strict. I will be working one straight hour at a time, giving myself a small break in between. I will be focused on coaching first, then customer service and then interviews. I do plan to work four full hours still even though booking is not on the list today. I have actually run out of referrals so I will make up for that Saturday and Monday. Saturday I have facials and Monday I actually plan on purchasing some leads. I am wanting to get some major volume going and then work on being very focused on each of those ladies that I meet. I feel as though God has shown me that sometimes I get so involved in my goal that I don't take as much time with each individual as I really should. Not really through the facials, but mostly after the facials. So I plan to get much better at that, and with the 4 hour plan, I will have no excuses.

I look forward to meeting my goals with you! So Going back to the Sean Smith training that I talked about a while back, I am setting a goal that I am posting here and putting a dollar amount on!
So I commit to call/text 50 people whether it be for booking an interview, facial, or a customer service follow up by midnight tonight.  If I don't complete the tasks, I will send a $10 check to the first 10 people who comment on this post. 

Now what are you willing to do to make YOUR dreams happen?
I love you all so much!


  1. Girl I know you will do it. Proud of you.

    1. Thank you Brenda!! Can't wait to see you soon!

  2. I love this post. Actually, I love your whole blog. New consultant here...

    1. Hey Carrie, thank you for your sweet words! I'm so excited that you have decided on this exciting and fun journey of Mary Kay! It's a blast!!
