Friday, May 16, 2014

Seminar Coming

Wow, I feel like I'm exploding back into my business and work. Yesterday turned out to be more getting things back into order than the really should have been, however I'm giving myself some slack and I'll now be super laser focused for tomorrow. Today my husband is off so I'll be spending the day with him while sending a few text messages to follow up with some girls. I don't have any booking for tomorrow so I'll be using tomorrow as a full 4 hour day. I'm probably going to be doing more booking than the other three because that's what I need most right now, but I will definitely be doing part of my interview time as well. I have several ladies that I had written on a list before everything happened recently so I'll be contacting them to schedule an interview.

Seminar is getting so close and i'm getting so excited! I can't wait to see all the wonderful things that our wonderful company has in store for us this year.

So yesterday I realized that I didn't have any goal posters up of any sort. I took the old ones down about a month ago and I hadn't made a new one. So I drew some stuff on my dry erase board for now so that everything is staring me in the face. Did you know that most people don't write down their goals and if you don't write them down, you are less likely to achieve them!

So tomorrow I'll be working and I'll do my best to write at the end of the day about my results so ya'll don't have to wait until Monday to find out how my day went.
I look forward to talking to ya'll then!

"It's not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you were yesterday."

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