Friday, June 6, 2014

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life"

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life." 
That is so important to remember, and I love that quote so much that I printed it and until I grab a frame, it's just hanging on my office wall with tape on the back.  We have to keep our minds in the positive to have a positive life, and God always provides for us, so why should we be anywhere else besides the positive!

Starting sometime about 2 weeks ago, I began getting up at 6 am with my husband to have our devotional time and then we are able to have an uninterrupted devotion before our little boy (who is almost three) wakes up. Once he is awake it can be very difficult. So after our devotion we are able to talk, relax, maybe get some household things done, I can do some MK, etc. I want to back up for a moment and tell you...waking up at 6 am is TOUGH for me. I'm not just a morning person who loves waking up at that time or something so don't be fooled. It is very rough trying to wake up at that time, but I have managed to do it enough times now that it has become somewhat easier. I think the reason it's becoming easier is because I feel great after all I accomplish after every morning that I've woken up so early, and therefore I look forward to that feeling like I got a lot accomplished everyday. That brings me to why I'm mentioning this. I am now getting up at 5:30 am every morning so that I can accomplish some MK stuff before our devotion time and I still have time after our devotion to also get some MK stuff done as well. This "extra time" really makes a difference in how much I can get done everyday. I know I've heard of MK ladies that are "in the 5 o'clock club" and gosh I thought they were crazy, especially since they work from home and they could choose to wake up when they want to. It makes such a difference in the rest of your day when you wake up earlier though.  I just speak from my experience and hope that it's helpful to someone, or at least just great information. 

This isn't the one I use, but it's cute
So, what are the things on your 6 most important things to do list for today? Do you even have a 6 most important things to do today list? Or do you even use it? I love how Mary Kay Ash was a woman so ahead of her time and that the things she shared had such amazing wisdom. The 6 most important things to do list is such a big help going from day to day making sure not to forget any follow ups that need to be done, or any other tasks/follow ups. I love and use the planner that you can get from MK section 2, and although I love the fact that it has the place for your 6 most important things, for me those spaces are too small, so I have a little journal that I use. I use one page for each day and I have the days written out in advance so I can change or add a task to another day if I need to. Anyways, I feel like it has been so key for me to make sure I don't forget anything (because I have a horrible memory) and during my customer service hour, I can focus on those customer service tasks on my list, etc. 

Today I am supposed to be calling a sweet girl who was a consultant recently, but she lost her consultant status a couple of months ago. She is wanting to re-sign and let me help her get started again and super focused. I have been spending more time with potentials and consultants to build on our relationship and her trust in me. Because of my personality, I feel like it isn't hard to do, but in the past I just get so focused on my goal that I lose sight of the rest. So, I'll let ya'll know how it goes tomorrow when I post before 7:30 am. 

Also, I am still getting orders from my Diva Deals fliers, so if you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should think about it or even something similar.

So, I hope that ya'll have found this useful today, and I look forward to posting tomorrow :)

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