Yesterday I did not have any new orders but I did accomplish several things that had to be done plus some. So yesterday I talked about an interview list that I was putting together and today I wanted to explain and talk about it a bit. Yesterday as I was filling in my excel sheet with the prior days results and putting away new orders and sales receipts, I started to realize that there are several ladies that I really want to interview, but I have not for one reason or another. For some, it may be just because our original time had to be rescheduled, and for others maybe we just haven't scheduled a time yet. So I decided that I was going to write me a list (even though I keep track of my faces with a tracking sheet that shows if I interviewed them or not) so that I could have all their names and numbers on one sheet. When I was finished I had 23 names to contact. I will begin working on calling those ladies today and since my director is doing a drawing for a Vera Bradley bag, I'll also let them know how they will be entered into that as well. One of those ladies on my list, actually sent me a text talking about her product yesterday so we scheduled her interview and completed it yesterday as well. She is ready to start her MK business which is super exciting, and we will finalize the rest of her agreement on Friday!
So, this past Saturday my director, Lisa, had a big celebration at our studio for new reds and all consultants were able to come and bring guests as well, so during the guests makeovers consultants broke out into different rooms for different training. Something that I really liked just because of its simplicity was the Focus Folder that we learned about in my training. I know that I have seen and heard of different things similar to this, however I really like this one a lot. It takes hardly any time to prepare and you create a new one each month.
This one shows the front. I know its not the brightest image, but I was just trying to recreate the front really fast since mine actually had names all over it. On the front, you just put the month and year at the top on the tab, and then for me, I am working towards 10 active this month so I put 10 spaces and I'm filling in who is active, not just who is on my team, but who is actually active. Then on the right side I have my goals for the month. As team members become active I add their names and I keep track of my goals.

This shows the inside. It's really simple. I have a goal of 30 faces and 30 share sessions/interviews. So I just fill in each space with who I have done a facial on and who I have interviewed. In fact, as I was typing I just realized that I needed to add yesterday's interview to the sharing side. Mine actually has lots of names since I have already done almost half of my faces for the month.
So, that is my focus folder and my director and I are both keeping one on me and what I have done. She has one that looks just like mine so she can also keep up with what I'm doing to help me achieve my goals.
I have a very busy day ahead of me with calls to make and star to finish so I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!
Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. –Jesus