Friday, March 21, 2014

Past Week or so....

I have finally gotten to a point where I could take care of a few things that really needed to be taken care of. I apologize for the silence for the past however long it has been. I'm going to attempt to write without crying my eyes out, but I feel as though I need to explain my silence.

Recently at our 14 week prenatal checkup, our midwife could not find our baby's heartbeat, so she sent us to get a sonogram the next morning. When we got there and the doctor did the sonogram, there was no longer a heartbeat. Our baby is no longer with us. It looks as though our baby left us at about 13 weeks. This is not as common in the second trimester. The next steps are going to be what I think will be the most difficult of all, because my body will now go into labor to deliver our baby. It could be tomorrow or in two weeks. I know that many people have gone through this in different ways. Please know that we have asked all the necessary questions to make the most informed decisions about this next step. This is what feels right for us and what we are most comfortable with.

I do have appointments tomorrow for facials and they will actually be the first time I'm going out since all of this. I have so many things physically and emotionally to think about and I'm just not sure what to expect out of this next few weeks. I'm not really sure what else to really say at this point, so for now, just bear with me as far as this blog is concerned, as I deal with this extreme pain and loss. I will continue this blog and my journey towards directorship and I'd love for you to come along on the journey!

I love you all so much!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yesterday I did not have any new orders but I did accomplish several things that had to be done plus some. So yesterday I talked about an interview list that I was putting together and today I wanted to explain and talk about it a bit. Yesterday as I was filling in my excel sheet with the prior days results and putting away new orders and sales receipts, I started to realize that there are several ladies that I really want to interview, but I have not for one reason or another. For some, it may be just because our original time had to be rescheduled, and for others maybe we just haven't scheduled a time yet. So I decided that I was going to write me a list (even though I keep track of my faces with a tracking sheet that shows if I interviewed them or not) so that I could have all their names and numbers on one sheet. When I was finished I had 23 names to contact. I will begin working on calling those ladies today and since my director is doing a drawing for a Vera Bradley bag, I'll also let them know how they will be entered into that as well.  One of those ladies on my list, actually sent me a text talking about her product yesterday so we scheduled her interview and completed it yesterday as well. She is ready to start her MK business which is super exciting, and we will finalize the rest of her agreement on Friday! 

So, this past Saturday my director, Lisa, had a big celebration at our studio for new reds and all consultants were able to come and bring guests as well, so during the guests makeovers consultants broke out into different rooms for different training. Something that I really liked just because of its simplicity was the Focus Folder that we learned about in my training. I know that I have seen and heard of different things similar to this, however I really like this one a lot. It takes hardly any time to prepare and you create a new one each month. 

 This one shows the front. I know its not the brightest image, but I was just trying to recreate the front really fast since mine actually had names all over it. On the front, you just put the month and year at the top on the tab, and then for me, I am working towards 10 active this month so I put 10 spaces and I'm filling in who is active, not just who is on my team, but who is actually active. Then on the right side I have my goals for the month. As team members become active I add their names and I keep track of my goals.

This shows the inside. It's really simple. I have a goal of 30 faces and 30 share sessions/interviews. So I just fill in each space with who I have done a facial on and who I have interviewed.  In fact, as I was typing I just realized that I needed to add yesterday's interview to the sharing side. Mine actually has lots of names since I have already done almost half of my faces for the month.

So, that is my focus folder and my director and I are both keeping one on me and what I have done. She has one that looks just like mine so she can also keep up with what I'm doing to help me achieve my goals.

I have a very busy day ahead of me with calls to make and star to finish so I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. –Jesus

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Last night was my success meeting and I added up the total of sales from last Monday to this Monday and I sold $553. I didn't realize it was so much, but it was exciting to see. Star quarter is ending this Saturday the 15th! Are you ready? Have you finished up this quarter as a star consultant? I have only a little left to go and I'm sprinting to the finish line!

I'm also so excited to see out Makeover day total was 58,808! That was a record breaking number so congrats to everyone who participated in that!

Yesterday was a family get together day and then the success meeting. I did have one guest that had to reschedule, but that is ok, and we will get together soon.

I am working on an interview list currently, and I'll tell you a little more about that tomorrow. Until then, have a smokin' day filled with productive activities!

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

(I thought that was a really funny quote, and so true! We must motivate ourselves daily!)

Monday, March 10, 2014


Saturday I did 6 facials and sold $84. I also got referrals that I haven't counted. I was able to submit my number of facials to Mary Kay for the makeover day totals and I can't wait to see our record breaking number for this year.  I also scheduled 2 ladies for changing their colors, since they hadn't done that in a while.

Today's results are also going to be talked about today! I will not be able to post tomorrow so I figured I'd go ahead and let the cat out of the bag about today's results! I had $387 in sales today! I would have done more today as far as the 4 hour plan goes, however I had to take it easy and rest for the remainder of the day (midwife's orders).  I'm so excited to share these results with you, because sometimes the orders I get just come from prior seeds planted and prior work. You just never know when you will be reaping the benefits from certain work. God has a wonderful way of doing that just at the right time.

Ya'll have a marvelous day tomorrow and I'll talk to ya'll soon!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

2014 Makeover Day!!

Today is the day to celebrate International Women's Day with Mary Kay's Makeover Day! How exciting! There will be a live broadcast with makeup artists straight from Dallas and what a fantastically unique opportunity to get women excited about getting a makeover today.

Yesterday I did 2 facials and made $106 in sales. I also love thinking now, when I sell something, that I have made a new customer, because I will be checking up with them, unlike my methods before using the 4 hour plan.  I would totally intend upon checking in with my customers, but then I'd only get to a few. Now, I can talk to all of them and feel confident that they are being taken care of properly.

Today I have a party of 4 at 10am confirmed, then I have 4 others scheduled with their groups at 1pm and I have 1 at 5pm.  I can't wait to share the results and I'd love to hear from ya'll as well on your results!

Make it a Makeover-licious day!

Friday, March 7, 2014


Yesterday I buckled down and knocked my 4 hours out of the way, ending my day with 4 new bookings and 3 new booked interviews. I was also able to spend some time talking to my wonderful team members and letting them know what my goals are this month. I have received such wonderful support by everyone and I'm looking forward to this entire month's journey.

Mary Kay's Makeover Day is this Saturday! Wow, I can't believe it's already almost here. Last year I wasn't really working my business much during the makeover day time frame so I didn't participate in it at all. This year I have been working my business lots and then when I found out about the makeover day I was thinking, well that's cool, I'll already be doing facials that day anyways.  It's great how that just works when you are working your business. I'm really looking forward to Saturday and all the wonderful ladies I'll be meeting.

Today I have 1 confirmed appointment, 1 that hasn't confirmed and an interview call. I'm looking forward to today's results from the appointments and I'll still be working on my 4 hour plan as well.  So I'm going to start getting ready for my first appointment of the day and I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!!

The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. –Bill Cosby

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Monday I completed my 4 hours and I got 7 new bookings.

Tuesday was our success meeting and my bible study. I have come to realize that it's much more difficult for me to get tons done on Tuesdays just because I have very little time in the middle of the day to get much done.

I did, however hear some amazing training on the "#1 Tool (by far) for Achieving Your Goals" by Pink Caddie Coach Sean Smith. My director read this to us and it hit me hard! It was so awesome! It's like everything that you're really thinking in your mind that's all jumbled up, on paper and understandable.  So I encourage you to read this.

The #1 Tool (by far) for Achieving Your Goals

woman  in victory

Let’s get real.  There is no secret sauce or magic bullet for achieving your goals.  You have to DO THE WORK.  
But this concept is as close as it gets to a secret sauce —accountability.
The purpose of accountability is to help you, or rather FORCE YOU, to do the necessary activities you have to do in order to get your goals.  Period.
And it works!
In fact, the reason I’m publishing this blogpost at 11:43pm on a Sunday evening is because I have a LOT of money to lose if I don’t get it done by midnight!  =)  Had I not committed to it in a public forum, I would be in bed right now.  Zzzzzzzzzzz…
Here are 3 tips I’ve found very useful when creating accountability commitments…
1) Make your commitments public.
We all intend to go for our dreams, but unfortunately we have a very difficult time holding ourselves accountable when nobody’s watching (don’t beat yourself up over this, it’s human nature).  
That’s why it’s imperative that we do it publicly.  If you’re anything like me, you are 50 times more likely to complete a task if you made a public declaration because your integrity is on the line!
My favorite form of public accountability is Facebook.  Anytime I get serious about doing something, I’ll post something like this on one of my pages…
I commit to ____________ by Sunday at midnight.  If I don’t complete the tasks, I will send a $50 check to the first 20 people who comment on this post.
^ That will get you in motion, I promise!  Because the idea of paying $1,000 immediately makes all your obstacles a lot less powerful.  Which leads to #2…
2) Make your consequences financial.
Contrary to the way we’re generally taught, humans are not very driven by money.  Of course, we need it to survive, but most people are more committed to staying in their comfort zone than fattening their bank account.  This is mostly because “more money” is theoretical – it’s based on the future, which doesn’t activate your unconscious mind.
However, we HATE losing money!  When you have to write a check or physically hand cash over for not getting your activities done, the commitment level goes through the roof!  Losing money is not theoretical, it’s very real because it’s based in the present moment which is much more motivating to your unconscious mind.
And make your consequences sting – it should be something you really don’t want to do.  For instance, don’t offer to donate money to your church or your favorite charity as a consequence.  There’s a piece of you that knows it’s good to do those things, so you won’t be as motivated to get your work done.
Make the dollar amount significant, but also realistic.  If you put up a million dollars, and you don’t have that much to pay anyway, then your commitments are fake to begin with and there’s less of a chance you’ll take it seriously.
3) Only commit to activities you control 100%!
This is the most important concept of all.  If you’re committing to results that are beyond your control, your unconscious mind will resist going for it.  We don’t enjoy giving our best effort and still feeling like we lost.  The best way to avoid this is making sure you are in charge of the outcome, and nobody else.
So take whatever goals you have and work backwards to figure out the actions you must take to give yourself a realistic chance at getting those goals.  And only commit to the actions.  
For example, instead of committing to recruit 5 people this month, commit to making 100 phone calls to your leads.
Instead of committing to getting 10 names and phone numbers while warm chatting, commit to complimenting and offering your card to 20 people.  
I could tell story after story after story of people who have committed to doing the activities, not the results, and wound up getting huge results accidentally!  Results are a by-product of doing the actions, so all your focus and energy should be on the actions.
When you incorporate these 3 tips into your achievement plan, I guarantee you’ll have more certainty of what you need to do on a daily basis, more fulfillment because you will feel much more productive, and ultimately more FUN because you’ll be getting more of your goals!!!
If you’re serious about your goals, you must be serious about taking action.  And if you’re serious about taking action, you must set yourself up to succeed instead of fail.
Call to Action:  My challenge is for you to make a public commitment of 3-5 controllable activities that you are willing to put up financial consequences for, if you do not complete them over the next 7 days.  Share them below in the comments section so we can all support you in making this a fantastically productive and prosperous week!

That was awesome, and I will be putting those ideas into action!

Yesterday was my husbands day off so I also chose to have that day off as well. So that means today I have some work to do!
I hope that ya'll are getting some major things done as well. Even if it seems like just making one phone call today is small when you didn't make any calls yesterday, it's big because it's a step in the right direction and one more thing you've done.

Let's make our mark in the world! Have a great day!

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth

Monday, March 3, 2014


I am so excited for this month! I plan on being in DIQ April 1st! Just saying it makes it more crazy exciting! I
really quickly wanted to tell you how Saturday went. I made a critical mistake with last Saturday's appointments. I had 5 scheduled and 4 with several people to be with them, however I did not coach them and follow up with them and remind them, therefore I only had 1 appointment hold for one facial. That's embarrassing, but I really don't want others to learn the heard way if possible, so I'm not sugar coating it, I'm just telling it like it is. I did go home and nap for a couple of hours because I was just so exhausted and I really do have to take care of myself since it's not just about me.

Today I am working my 4 hours, and if possible, I'm going to attempt 5 hours.
Ya'll have a fabulous day!

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. –Michael Jordan

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Good Saturday morning!

As you all know from yesterday's journal, I did have a very busy day, but unfortunately there was no time for my 4 hour plan. I did get lots of non-income producing activities done that just had to be done, and I did have a party last night. There were 7 girls, and it was a very brief Botanicals cleanser, moisturizer and then smoky eye tutorial. They had fun and they absolutely look great! I didn't really expect to get any sales from it
because it was for young teens who didn't even know I was going to be there until they got there. It was their church sleepover night. We had lots of fun and I did sell about $21.

I finished my month with over 30 faces, but not quite the 60 I was shooting for. So I will be shooting for 60 this month again.

Today I will be heading off to do some 10am and 1pm facials and then I have 2 interviews over the phone tonight. I look forward to letting ya'll know how it all goes!
I'll talk to ya'll soon!