Saturday, March 1, 2014


Good Saturday morning!

As you all know from yesterday's journal, I did have a very busy day, but unfortunately there was no time for my 4 hour plan. I did get lots of non-income producing activities done that just had to be done, and I did have a party last night. There were 7 girls, and it was a very brief Botanicals cleanser, moisturizer and then smoky eye tutorial. They had fun and they absolutely look great! I didn't really expect to get any sales from it
because it was for young teens who didn't even know I was going to be there until they got there. It was their church sleepover night. We had lots of fun and I did sell about $21.

I finished my month with over 30 faces, but not quite the 60 I was shooting for. So I will be shooting for 60 this month again.

Today I will be heading off to do some 10am and 1pm facials and then I have 2 interviews over the phone tonight. I look forward to letting ya'll know how it all goes!
I'll talk to ya'll soon!

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