Friday, March 21, 2014

Past Week or so....

I have finally gotten to a point where I could take care of a few things that really needed to be taken care of. I apologize for the silence for the past however long it has been. I'm going to attempt to write without crying my eyes out, but I feel as though I need to explain my silence.

Recently at our 14 week prenatal checkup, our midwife could not find our baby's heartbeat, so she sent us to get a sonogram the next morning. When we got there and the doctor did the sonogram, there was no longer a heartbeat. Our baby is no longer with us. It looks as though our baby left us at about 13 weeks. This is not as common in the second trimester. The next steps are going to be what I think will be the most difficult of all, because my body will now go into labor to deliver our baby. It could be tomorrow or in two weeks. I know that many people have gone through this in different ways. Please know that we have asked all the necessary questions to make the most informed decisions about this next step. This is what feels right for us and what we are most comfortable with.

I do have appointments tomorrow for facials and they will actually be the first time I'm going out since all of this. I have so many things physically and emotionally to think about and I'm just not sure what to expect out of this next few weeks. I'm not really sure what else to really say at this point, so for now, just bear with me as far as this blog is concerned, as I deal with this extreme pain and loss. I will continue this blog and my journey towards directorship and I'd love for you to come along on the journey!

I love you all so much!


  1. I was praying everything was ok thanks for sharing when you did not have to. My prayers are with you and your family.
