Monday, March 10, 2014


Saturday I did 6 facials and sold $84. I also got referrals that I haven't counted. I was able to submit my number of facials to Mary Kay for the makeover day totals and I can't wait to see our record breaking number for this year.  I also scheduled 2 ladies for changing their colors, since they hadn't done that in a while.

Today's results are also going to be talked about today! I will not be able to post tomorrow so I figured I'd go ahead and let the cat out of the bag about today's results! I had $387 in sales today! I would have done more today as far as the 4 hour plan goes, however I had to take it easy and rest for the remainder of the day (midwife's orders).  I'm so excited to share these results with you, because sometimes the orders I get just come from prior seeds planted and prior work. You just never know when you will be reaping the benefits from certain work. God has a wonderful way of doing that just at the right time.

Ya'll have a marvelous day tomorrow and I'll talk to ya'll soon!

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