Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Last night was my success meeting and I added up the total of sales from last Monday to this Monday and I sold $553. I didn't realize it was so much, but it was exciting to see. Star quarter is ending this Saturday the 15th! Are you ready? Have you finished up this quarter as a star consultant? I have only a little left to go and I'm sprinting to the finish line!

I'm also so excited to see out Makeover day total was 58,808! That was a record breaking number so congrats to everyone who participated in that!

Yesterday was a family get together day and then the success meeting. I did have one guest that had to reschedule, but that is ok, and we will get together soon.

I am working on an interview list currently, and I'll tell you a little more about that tomorrow. Until then, have a smokin' day filled with productive activities!

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

(I thought that was a really funny quote, and so true! We must motivate ourselves daily!)

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