Friday, March 7, 2014


Yesterday I buckled down and knocked my 4 hours out of the way, ending my day with 4 new bookings and 3 new booked interviews. I was also able to spend some time talking to my wonderful team members and letting them know what my goals are this month. I have received such wonderful support by everyone and I'm looking forward to this entire month's journey.

Mary Kay's Makeover Day is this Saturday! Wow, I can't believe it's already almost here. Last year I wasn't really working my business much during the makeover day time frame so I didn't participate in it at all. This year I have been working my business lots and then when I found out about the makeover day I was thinking, well that's cool, I'll already be doing facials that day anyways.  It's great how that just works when you are working your business. I'm really looking forward to Saturday and all the wonderful ladies I'll be meeting.

Today I have 1 confirmed appointment, 1 that hasn't confirmed and an interview call. I'm looking forward to today's results from the appointments and I'll still be working on my 4 hour plan as well.  So I'm going to start getting ready for my first appointment of the day and I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!!

The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. –Bill Cosby

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