Saturday, March 8, 2014

2014 Makeover Day!!

Today is the day to celebrate International Women's Day with Mary Kay's Makeover Day! How exciting! There will be a live broadcast with makeup artists straight from Dallas and what a fantastically unique opportunity to get women excited about getting a makeover today.

Yesterday I did 2 facials and made $106 in sales. I also love thinking now, when I sell something, that I have made a new customer, because I will be checking up with them, unlike my methods before using the 4 hour plan.  I would totally intend upon checking in with my customers, but then I'd only get to a few. Now, I can talk to all of them and feel confident that they are being taken care of properly.

Today I have a party of 4 at 10am confirmed, then I have 4 others scheduled with their groups at 1pm and I have 1 at 5pm.  I can't wait to share the results and I'd love to hear from ya'll as well on your results!

Make it a Makeover-licious day!

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