Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 12-14

Well, first let me start off by showing you my Weekly Plan Sheet that I promised you.
Gray= faith, family, personal time 
Pink= people time either in person (stop by’s, deliveries) or on the phone – booking, coaching, follow-up, customer service.  Also telephone calls to team members  
Blue= training events (conference calls, meeting w/Director, meeting w/team member, class or debut for team member) or success meeting 
Purple = interviews  
Green = classes or facials  
Red = computer or office time (non-people time) 
Orange = 4 Hour Plan

Now, I can easily see where my time will be each day at all times. Recently I was reminded that "The more scheduled you are - the more FREEDOM you will have!"  It makes sense to me when I look at this and have it printed on my fridge.

Now let's talk about what's been going on this weekend. Friday I had 5 facials in Fort Worth. That was actually one more than I was originally told, so that was exciting. I sold 3 Satin Lips Sets and scheduled phone interviews with four of them. I will also be scheduling a second appointment with one of the girls who had to leave a bit early. I will be calling her today to schedule that. I got referrals, phone interview bookings and a little in sales, so it turned out to be a good evening. It was definitely fun too. 

Saturday I had a leadership seminar in Bedford, Texas that I went to with my church. I was also scheduled for three facials after the seminar, however they all cancelled, so I actually went home and crashed since I was so exhausted. 

And....Sunday was my birthday, so I did not have any appointments. 

Today, as you can see on my weekly plan sheet, has been deliveries, getting orders together, etc. Now I am about to go booking for the next couple of hours! 

Have a Magnificent Monday!

"Beliefs are like the roots of a tree; the deeper they go, the higher the tree potentially grows."
-Keith A. Craft

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 10 & 11

While thinking about everything I've done so far in my 4 hour plan, I've not been consistent at all. I realized that I have allowed other things (life, that will happen no matter what) to keep me from doing this simple 4 hour plan. So, what am I going to do? I am going to use the weekly plan sheet and keep it updated to keep me on track. I will begin with this starting tomorrow. Then I will know what my "off" days will be in advance, and I will be able to tell everyone when I will be working so they know in advance. Mainly that means my immediate family. So, I will be posting my completed Weekly Plan Sheet. I am excited to do this for me and for you.
Can't wait to talk to you Monday!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 6, 7, 8 & 9

Saturday I had a sick little boy and 8 facials. So I made sure that my son was taken care of while I went to do the facials and then afterwards I came home and took care of him myself. So I didn't get any of the 4 hour plan done that day.

Let me discuss the facials from Saturday for a moment. So I use what is called the "13 STEPS to a SUCCESSFUL PARTY with AIP" (Script) for my parties/facials from Katherine Ward. I love using it and of course I tweak it to match my hostess gifts or the things that I do slightly different, however all in all, I love using it because it keeps me on track and helps me not to forget anything. So I have my copy of this all marked up with notes and highlighted, and in the recent past, I had just done it so many times that I just remembered it so well, and I wouldn't even need to look it at. However, Saturday when I was doing my facials, I wasn't using it and it has been a while since I was doing so many facials in a month. So by the end, when I was doing individual consultations with everyone, I realized immediately that I hadn't talked about my closing sheet. In fact, I hadn't even handed them out! So I quickly grabbed one and I would do my best to briefly talk about it at each individual closing, but needless to say, it was not effective at all that way. I didn't sell anything, however I did setup 4 phone interviews. So I will be following up with all of these fabulous women so that I can do second appointments (which I also didn't do at the individual closings) and talk about the products, etc. I wanted to share this with you because, although it is pretty embarrassing, it's so important not to allow things like this to get you down, or demotivate you from what you are doing, where you are going, and what your dreams are! We all make mistakes, but are you willing to allow God to teach you through those; are you willing to learn and grow from them?

Sunday I did have one facial scheduled at three but we are rescheduling it so that her friends could be there. Her friends were all in Austin that day, which she didn't realize until closer in.

Monday my son was still sick so I took him to the doctor and found that he has strep throat. So he stayed home with me and for the first time, I asked my 3:30 facial appointments to reschedule for the following Monday. Thankfully they all agreed. My 6:30 facial was at a time where my husband could be home so I could leave. So I kept that appointment. Even though she did confirm, she cancelled it right at the time we were supposed to get together so I just used that time to go back home and spend it with my family.

Tuesday I just prepared for our MK meeting, and then had a fabulous time at out studio being a part of it all. I was doing the facials on our guests and even though we only had one, we had a fabulous time!

Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 5

How did my facials go yesterday? Well, I added three faces to my sixty faces goal for this month and two of the girls are very interested in the opportunity. We will be getting together for coffee in the next couple of days and let me just say that even though I did not sell anything yesterday at my facials, all of the girls were loads of fun, plus I got fourteen new referrals.

So yesterday did not happen the way I had planned it because I totally forgot to take into account getting ready for my facials and getting all of my supplies replenished as well. That means that I didn't actually do more than 30 minutes of booking and that was the extent of yesterday, besides facials. That's ok though, I will have more facials today and although I will not be doing any of my 4 hour plan today (because my son is sick) I will get right back on it Monday if I can't do any Sunday. That seems like a long time not to get the 4 hour plan done, but I know where I want to go and what I'm willing to do to get there so I will use at least a couple of days getting myself caught up by doing 8 hour days (just double the 4 hour plan).

I look forward to letting you know the results of my facials!

"Your Next Level begins at the end of your comfort zone. First step: Get uncomfortable with being comfortable."    -Keith A. Craft

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 4

Finally my papers are all separated, and it feels much better. So, I wanted to share something that I feel is very important for anyone who has trouble with time management or for anyone with another job besides Mary Kay. I have found that by keeping track of my hours with a timer app on my phone, I don't have to worry about remembering. This is especially helpful for me when I have to take a break, whether it was planned or unexpected, long or short, I can quickly stop the timer and then resume it when I come back to my work. Those who have another job besides MK can use this to their advantage as well by using the smaller chunks of time they have in the day (breaks, lunches, etc.) to work on their 4 hour plan and they can start and stop a timer to keep track of how much time they have left and have completed.

Today I will have to use the timer similarly to someone who has another job by using it during breaks that I will have. I will be doing facials from 3-9pm today which means that in between facials, and while I wait, I will do as much as possible and then stop the timer. The bulk of my work will be done before my facials today, but I will not be able to complete it all before then. By the end of the day I will have completed 4 hours and it'll feel great!

Yesterday as I was organizing papers I was still texting back and forth with people from the first two days, so by the end of yesterday, I had booked three more! This shows the power of a little work. It just keeps on giving.

I look forward to letting you know how my facials go today and how my 4 hours went as well, so I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 3

Yesterday I got ready for a very busy, but fun day doing my 4 hour plan and obtaining amazing results. As I sat down to begin doing the fourth hour first (booking interviews), I soon realized that I did not have all of my profile cards and 'tell me what you think forms' within easy access. I had boxed up all of my Mary Kay papers while preparing for my holiday open house, which included profile cards, tell me what you think forms, notes, training sheets, etc. This made for an extremely slow start. I had called one person, left her a message, and then realized that I would have to go through my box of papers before I could even continue, so I decided to move on to customer service calls. My first customer service call was awesome! Honestly this is not an area of my business that I have done well in at all! I am looking forward to this 4 hour plan helping me to improve greatly in this area. That leads me to my next thought. I really love how the consultant 4 hour plan has covered all areas of the business for consultants. I know there is also a director 4 hour plan, and I'm sure that the same is true for that one as well, which is exciting!

So I'm sure you are wondering what happened with that first call. Well, I had not spoken to this customer since last August, so when I called her I apologized that it had been so long and we caught up a bit on how her Christmas and New Years was. Then she ordered some more product. When I was done with that call she had ordered $52.50 (w/o tax)! I was thrilled because I wasn't sure how believable Tammy's plan was in this area of getting $100 in an hour of customer service calls. This made me a true believer though, and with that I began to look for my next customer to call, however I ran into the same problem with my papers being in the box, so I did not make any other calls yesterday.

Now, let me pause here and tell you that I think many people deal with not being great at time management, I know that I am one. So about that time my husband was supposed to come home for lunch so I went and made lunch, ate while waiting for him, and then an hour after he was supposed to be leaving for lunch, he finally left. This wasn't his fault, but I allowed that to throw off my time management for the rest of the day. I had church that evening and I couldn't miss that, especially because there was a special meeting that I needed to be a part of. So that was all the work I did yesterday. This did not make me feel good at all about what I had accomplished, and I decided that since the 4 hour plan is based on a five day work week, I'm going to use today to organize all those papers in the box so that this will not be a problem again.

So yesterdays work resulted in $52.50 in reorders and one new booking which was from someone that I had been talking to the prior day. Even though this was no where near an actual '4 hour day', I refuse to beat myself up over it because that was yesterday, and although days like that will not get me to directorship, it was better than many consultants who do nothing most days. The other thing that is still the same today, is that people are still texting me to find days that are good for them from the referral texts I sent out the past two days. So today I will be organizing my papers, but that just means either I'll be working 8 hours one day to make up for today or I won't have any other days "off" this week.  Either way, I will feel accomplished for sticking to this plan, because after all, I will be a director this year!

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 2

I want to start today's entry by letting you know that I am not perfect by any means. Tammy Crayk talks about being so super focused that you don't even think about answering another phone call while you are doing your 4 hour plan each day. That may still take some getting used to, but let me tell you that even though I try not to look at personal text messages, I still find myself going off course,only for a minute, every once in a while. Maybe I needed to print off another bubble sheet or maybe I stopped to grab a blanket, but ultimately I am so much more focused than I have ever been and I am just going to continue getting better.

So, how was my second day? Well, my first hour, I booked. The second hour, I talked to the ladies of my upcoming facials and then I continued booking. Since I am still going through the referrals that I have, I am still texting as opposed to calling. The third hour I had started feeling a tiny bit of nausea (I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy!) , so I continued booking by text so that I wouldn't have to talk on the phone. And since the nausea was still lingering, I booked through the fourth hour as well.  I decided to work in the opposite order today however, so I can start with booking interviews while I'm feeling great! Something that I noticed yesterday was when I only have an hour to do each one of these, it seems to go by quickly. It's kind of like when you're at a regular J.O.B. and you stay so busy the whole time and then the next thing you know, you look up and it's time to go home. This may be different for others, more so when you're starting, however, as you build your business you will find yourself with more and more to work with.
Side note: A common concern is where to find more leads(contacts). There are so many different ways to get new leads! Many are free and there are some you can pay for as well. Visit this website and click booking for lots of different ideas!

So my work on day 2 resulted in ten new bookings! Plus there are still text messages that are coming in from yesterday and the day prior. So I'm still talking to some people trying to find a good time, which means that I'm still benefiting from my prior days work! So today I will begin in the opposite order, with booking interviews first, and I look forward to revealing my results to you tomorrow.

I'm off for my 4 hour day today!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 1

So yesterday was my first day of this 4 Hour Plan and wow there is already a lot to talk about! So, as the plan goes, you are to work the 1st hour booking, 2nd hour coaching hostesses, 3rd hour doing customer service calls, and the 4th hour is booking/holding face to face interviews. Now of course starting out you may not be able to make any coaching hostesses calls because you may not have any bookings currently, so instead, you will spend that time booking. Or if you have one or a few hostesses to call, you will call them and then use the rest of the hour booking. The same will be true for the other two hours as well.

So yesterday I gathered all my referrals from the backs of my profile cards, took note of what time it was, and began texting them. I have a certain script that I like to use when texting referrals where I can just change out the day of the week it is, the referrals first name and the person who referred them. So as I began texting these referrals, I was using the Bubble Sheet that Tammy uses as a part of her 4 Hour Plan. Now, I would have called these referrals, however I had always told these ladies that I would be texting their referrals so I wanted to hold true to what I told them in this case. When using this bubble sheet you will mark once through attempted contacts, but none made, an X through contact made, but no booking obtained, and fill in for every contact made and booking obtained. However, when texting you must get a response (no matter what it is) to even count it as an attempt (as the bubble sheet explains).

So, my first hour I don't know how many text messages that I sent out, but it was quite a few. Then into the second hour I talked to my three girls that were booked for upcoming appointments. After I had talked to those three I didn't have any other hostesses to call/text so I began texting referrals again to get bookings. I actually booked for the two remaining hours as well. I have not gotten my customer files setup the way I want them just yet, so I decided to do customer service calls starting on day 2 of this 4 hour plan. And as for booking interviews, I will have a few to do today. I was kind of chicken yesterday, however at least I still booked during that hour instead of just giving up or slacking off.

So my work produced four new bookings and several that I'm still texting with to find a day/time. I also still have people texting me today from yesterdays work! I'd say that the day was successful and it made me realize that I really can do anything (very concentrated) for a short amount of time.

Now I'm off to do my 4 hour day for today!
Talk to you tomorrow,

What is this Journal?

I've been in Mary Kay Cosmetics for almost 2 years now. Ever since my first seminar I knew that I wanted to become a Sales Director. I've been in DIQ once and due to not being consistent in my work, I did not complete my 3rd month. I'm currently an Independent Senior Consultant.  I know that God has placed the dream in my heart to become a National Sales Director in the future, and so I continue to climb for the next step of Directorship. Recently, I attended our area's January Jumpstart, which featured an NSD that I have never heard speak before, Tammy Crayk. She has an awesome story of how she came into this business, and she speaks powerfully (and straight to the point I might add!).  During the time that she was training, she spoke about something that she created, called the "4 Hour Plan". ( <----Click to learn more about it) I was blown away at the simplicity of the entire plan! She had created this so that anyone who ever said ......tell me exactly what to do, like you would at a job with someone else as your boss, and I will do it.........would have a clear concise plan of action to get them anywhere they want to go. So I have taken on the challenge of working this 4 Hour Plan and I have decided to keep a journal of my journey. I figured that it will help me to continue working this plan with consistency while showing others that they too can do this! There will be obstacles, and I won't sugar coat them, I'll discuss them, but I fully intend to overcome them.  Are you ready to take this adventure to Directorship with me?