Saturday I had a sick little boy and 8 facials. So I made sure that my son was taken care of while I went to do the facials and then afterwards I came home and took care of him myself. So I didn't get any of the 4 hour plan done that day.

Let me discuss the facials from Saturday for a moment. So I use what is called the "
13 STEPS to a SUCCESSFUL PARTY with AIP" (Script) for my parties/facials from Katherine Ward. I love using it and of course I tweak it to match my hostess gifts or the things that I do slightly different, however all in all, I love using it because it keeps me on track and helps me not to forget anything. So I have my copy of this all marked up with notes and highlighted, and in the recent past, I had just done it so many times that I just remembered it so well, and I wouldn't even need to look it at. However, Saturday when I was doing my facials, I wasn't using it and it has been a while since I was doing so many facials in a month. So by the end, when I was doing individual consultations with everyone, I realized immediately that I hadn't talked about my closing sheet. In fact, I hadn't even handed them out! So I quickly grabbed one and I would do my best to briefly talk about it at each individual closing, but needless to say, it was
not effective
at all that way. I didn't sell anything, however I did setup 4 phone interviews. So I will be following up with all of these fabulous women so that I can do second appointments (which I also didn't do at the individual closings) and talk about the products, etc. I wanted to share this with you because, although it is pretty embarrassing, it's so important not to allow things like this to get you down, or demotivate you from what you are doing, where you are going, and what your dreams are! We all make mistakes, but are you willing to allow God to teach you through those; are you willing to learn and grow from them?
Sunday I did have one facial scheduled at three but we are rescheduling it so that her friends could be there. Her friends were all in Austin that day, which she didn't realize until closer in.
Monday my son was still sick so I took him to the doctor and found that he has strep throat. So he stayed home with me and for the first time, I asked my 3:30 facial appointments to reschedule for the following Monday. Thankfully they all agreed. My 6:30 facial was at a time where my husband could be home so I could leave. So I kept that appointment. Even though she did confirm, she cancelled it right at the time we were supposed to get together so I just used that time to go back home and spend it with my family.
Tuesday I just prepared for our MK meeting, and then had a fabulous time at out studio being a part of it all. I was doing the facials on our guests and even though we only had one, we had a fabulous time!
Happy Wednesday!
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