Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What is this Journal?

I've been in Mary Kay Cosmetics for almost 2 years now. Ever since my first seminar I knew that I wanted to become a Sales Director. I've been in DIQ once and due to not being consistent in my work, I did not complete my 3rd month. I'm currently an Independent Senior Consultant.  I know that God has placed the dream in my heart to become a National Sales Director in the future, and so I continue to climb for the next step of Directorship. Recently, I attended our area's January Jumpstart, which featured an NSD that I have never heard speak before, Tammy Crayk. She has an awesome story of how she came into this business, and she speaks powerfully (and straight to the point I might add!).  During the time that she was training, she spoke about something that she created, called the "4 Hour Plan". ( <----Click to learn more about it) I was blown away at the simplicity of the entire plan! She had created this so that anyone who ever said ......tell me exactly what to do, like you would at a job with someone else as your boss, and I will do it.........would have a clear concise plan of action to get them anywhere they want to go. So I have taken on the challenge of working this 4 Hour Plan and I have decided to keep a journal of my journey. I figured that it will help me to continue working this plan with consistency while showing others that they too can do this! There will be obstacles, and I won't sugar coat them, I'll discuss them, but I fully intend to overcome them.  Are you ready to take this adventure to Directorship with me?

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