So yesterday was my first day of this
4 Hour Plan and wow there is already a lot to talk about! So, as the plan goes, you are to work the 1st hour booking, 2nd hour coaching hostesses, 3rd hour doing customer service calls, and the 4th hour is booking/holding face to face interviews. Now of course starting out you may not be able to make any coaching hostesses calls because you may not have any bookings currently, so instead, you will spend that time booking. Or if you have one or a few hostesses to call, you will call them and then use the rest of the hour booking. The same will be true for the other two hours as well.

So yesterday I gathered all my referrals from the backs of my profile cards, took note of what time it was, and began texting them. I have a certain script that I like to use when texting referrals where I can just change out the day of the week it is, the referrals first name and the person who referred them. So as I began texting these referrals, I was using the
Bubble Sheet that Tammy uses as a part of her 4 Hour Plan. Now, I would have called these referrals, however I had always told these ladies that I would be texting their referrals so I wanted to hold true to what I told them in this case. When using this bubble sheet you will mark once through attempted contacts, but none made, an X through contact made, but no booking obtained, and fill in for every contact made and booking obtained. However, when texting you must get a response (no matter what it is) to even count it as an attempt (as the bubble sheet explains).
So, my first hour I don't know how many text messages that I sent out, but it was quite a few. Then into the second hour I talked to my three girls that were booked for upcoming appointments. After I had talked to those three I didn't have any other hostesses to call/text so I began texting referrals again to get bookings. I actually booked for the two remaining hours as well. I have not gotten my customer files setup the way I want them just yet, so I decided to do customer service calls starting on day 2 of this 4 hour plan. And as for booking interviews, I will have a few to do today. I was kind of chicken yesterday, however at least I still booked during that hour instead of just giving up or slacking off.
So my work produced four new bookings and several that I'm still texting with to find a day/time. I also
still have people texting me today from yesterdays work! I'd say that the day was successful and it made me realize that I really can do anything (very concentrated) for a short amount of time.
Now I'm off to do my 4 hour day for today!
Talk to you tomorrow,
What texting script do you use?
ReplyDeleteHi! I use the following: Happy Thursday Mary! You don't know me but I did a facial with Jane Smith and my name is Amy. I am in need of a favor and she said you were really nice and might help me out. I am in a contest with Mary Kay to do 60 free makeovers this month! Could I borrow your face? I am not pushy and it's super fast and fun! Also I have a gift for you just for helping!