I want to start today's entry by letting you know that I am not perfect by any means. Tammy Crayk talks about being so super focused that you don't even think about answering another phone call while you are doing your 4 hour plan each day. That may still take some getting used to, but let me tell you that even though I try not to look at personal text messages, I still find myself going off course,only for a minute, every once in a while. Maybe I needed to print off another bubble sheet or maybe I stopped to grab a blanket, but ultimately I am so much more focused than I have ever been and I am just going to continue getting better.
So, how was my second day? Well, my first hour, I booked. The second hour, I talked to the ladies of my upcoming facials and then I continued booking. Since I am still going through the referrals that I have, I am still texting as opposed to calling. The third hour I had started feeling a tiny bit of nausea (I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy!) , so I continued booking by text so that I wouldn't have to talk on the phone. And since the nausea was still lingering, I booked through the fourth hour as well. I decided to work in the opposite order today however, so I can start with booking interviews while I'm feeling great! Something that I noticed yesterday was when I only have an hour to do each one of these, it seems to go by quickly. It's kind of like when you're at a regular J.O.B. and you stay so busy the whole time and then the next thing you know, you look up and it's time to go home. This may be different for others, more so when you're starting, however, as you build your business you will find yourself with more and more to work with.

Side note: A common concern is where to find more leads(contacts). There are so many different ways to get new leads! Many are free and there are some you can pay for as well. Visit this website and click booking for lots of different ideas!
So my work on day 2 resulted in ten new bookings! Plus there are still text messages that are coming in from yesterday and the day prior. So I'm still talking to some people trying to find a good time, which means that I'm still benefiting from my prior days work! So today I will begin in the opposite order, with booking interviews first, and I look forward to revealing my results to you tomorrow.
I'm off for my 4 hour day today!
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