Yesterday I got ready for a very busy, but fun day doing my 4 hour plan and obtaining amazing results. As I sat down to begin doing the fourth hour first (booking interviews), I soon realized that I did not have all of my profile cards and 'tell me what you think forms' within easy access. I had boxed up all of my Mary Kay papers while preparing for my holiday open house, which included profile cards, tell me what you think forms, notes, training sheets, etc. This made for an extremely slow start. I had called one person, left her a message, and then realized that I would have to go through my box of papers before I could even continue, so I decided to move on to customer service calls. My first customer service call was awesome! Honestly this is not an area of my business that I have done well in at all! I am looking forward to this 4 hour plan helping me to improve greatly in this area. That leads me to my next thought. I really love how the consultant 4 hour plan has covered all areas of the business for consultants. I know there is also a director 4 hour plan, and I'm sure that the same is true for that one as well, which is exciting!

So I'm sure you are wondering what happened with that first call. Well, I had not spoken to this customer since last August, so when I called her I apologized that it had been so long and we caught up a bit on how her Christmas and New Years was. Then she ordered some more product. When I was done with that call she had ordered $52.50 (w/o tax)! I was thrilled because I wasn't sure how believable Tammy's plan was in this area of getting $100 in an hour of customer service calls. This made me a true believer though, and with that I began to look for my next customer to call, however I ran into the same problem with my papers being in the box, so I did not make any other calls yesterday.
Now, let me pause here and tell you that I think many people deal with not being great at time management, I know that I am one. So about that time my husband was supposed to come home for lunch so I went and made lunch, ate while waiting for him, and then an hour after he was supposed to be leaving for lunch, he finally left. This wasn't his fault, but I allowed that to throw off my time management for the rest of the day. I had church that evening and I couldn't miss that, especially because there was a special meeting that I needed to be a part of. So that was all the work I did yesterday. This did not make me feel good at all about what I had accomplished, and I decided that since the 4 hour plan is based on a five day work week, I'm going to use today to organize all those papers in the box so that this will
not be a problem again.

So yesterdays work resulted in $52.50 in reorders and one new booking which was from someone that I had been talking to the prior day. Even though this was no where near an actual '4 hour day', I refuse to beat myself up over it because that was yesterday, and although days like that will not get me to directorship, it was better than many consultants who do nothing most days. The other thing that is still the same today, is that people are still texting me to find days that are good for them from the referral texts I sent out the past two days. So today I will be organizing my papers, but that just means either I'll be working 8 hours one day to make up for today or I won't have any other days "off" this week. Either way, I will feel accomplished for sticking to this plan, because after all, I
will be a director this year!
Talk to you soon!
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