Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Simple Day

After only 30 minutes yesterday I already had 2 new bookings and I ended with 3 total, however plenty more to come from conversations still going on. I have been keeping a list on a post it note of referrals that have responded with interest to me to getting a facial, and I just keep checking back in with them until we get a booking, or I'll reschedule until it holds. Once I have an interested referral booked, I will take her off the post it note. This was all something that I did in a similar way, but started using a post it note to keep track of these ladies once I heard this from our unit's offspring Director Crystal. I think it's easier to keep track of these ladies using this post it note system that I keep in my planner.

Early yesterday morning when I was spending the wee hours of the morning cleaning up my office, I found some referrals that I had somehow missed so I was texting those ladies yesterday. Today I will be talking to the ladies we met at the bridal show on Sunday. It is one of my days "off" since my husband is off today, but I will still be doing a little bit of work still.

What will you do today to change your tomorrow?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Inch by Inch is a Cinch!

Yesterday I sent out the second text message to my most recent group of referrals and I got 2 new bookings, so I must say that this second round of texts feels so important and beneficial. I have gotten so many bookings just from checking back with these ladies a second time and now I wonder what I've missed out on in the past because I didn't do this. So if it's still something you haven't tried and you typically text referrals, I highly encourage you to start now. I could be wrong, but I feel like the busy ladies that are really more the people I'm looking for on my team because they know how to get stuff done, are the ones I'm getting booked on the second round of texts. That means that I might be missing out on some high quality ladies if I didn't send out another text.

Yesterday I needed to call MK to ask a question and I just love hearing the pearls of wisdom by Mary Kay Ash herself. I was reminded while listening to always break down our goals by day, week, month and year because "Inch by inch is a cinch, but yard by yard it's hard." What a great reminder for us!

Yesterday I did follow up with a customer who needs to reorder, but we never finalized her order so I don't officially have that sale yet to count towards yesterday. I have been making sure to keep ALL customer orders on myCustomers on inTouch lately. This has made follow up with each customer so much easier because I have a calendar that shows me what I need to do every day. I don't feel like any customers are being forgotten and I know I can build our relationship because I'm so on top of things. Building that relationship is so important because I can turn some customers into consultants over time by building her trust in me.

 I started a goal poster for our new unit yesterday and the idea came from Michelle Cunningham. I have 50 post its on a poster board and our new unit name at the top. I write all consultants on a post it and then she gets a smiley face sticker when she is active and a star sticker when she has placed a qualified order. This is hanging in a place where there is no way for me not to see it every day, several times a day. I will finish this!

Well, that'll be all for today, but I will be at it again today and I'll let ya'll know the results tomorrow! So until then, make sure not to let anything come between you and your goals and I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Quick Recap

Sorry it's kinda blurry
Here is a quick recap of Friday and Sunday. Friday, I did get a "new" team member. She has been on the team before, however she is ready to look at this business more seriously this time around and I am so excited she has decided to rejoin us. Sunday I went to a bridal show with a wonderful director friend, Carol Short, to get new leads. It was about 5 hours long and I can't tell you the exact number of new leads yet because I'm waiting for the list they send out, but I definitely will be busy with these leads for a bit.

I also wanted to share something that I saw on Facebook and was posted by Ragan Savedra (thank you!) It's an article called 6 things the most productive people do every day.

That will be all for today only because I need to start getting ready for my facial with a great customer of mine that I have never gotten a chance to meet. I'm excited to finally get to meet her.
Have a powerful day!

Friday, June 6, 2014

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life"

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life." 
That is so important to remember, and I love that quote so much that I printed it and until I grab a frame, it's just hanging on my office wall with tape on the back.  We have to keep our minds in the positive to have a positive life, and God always provides for us, so why should we be anywhere else besides the positive!

Starting sometime about 2 weeks ago, I began getting up at 6 am with my husband to have our devotional time and then we are able to have an uninterrupted devotion before our little boy (who is almost three) wakes up. Once he is awake it can be very difficult. So after our devotion we are able to talk, relax, maybe get some household things done, I can do some MK, etc. I want to back up for a moment and tell you...waking up at 6 am is TOUGH for me. I'm not just a morning person who loves waking up at that time or something so don't be fooled. It is very rough trying to wake up at that time, but I have managed to do it enough times now that it has become somewhat easier. I think the reason it's becoming easier is because I feel great after all I accomplish after every morning that I've woken up so early, and therefore I look forward to that feeling like I got a lot accomplished everyday. That brings me to why I'm mentioning this. I am now getting up at 5:30 am every morning so that I can accomplish some MK stuff before our devotion time and I still have time after our devotion to also get some MK stuff done as well. This "extra time" really makes a difference in how much I can get done everyday. I know I've heard of MK ladies that are "in the 5 o'clock club" and gosh I thought they were crazy, especially since they work from home and they could choose to wake up when they want to. It makes such a difference in the rest of your day when you wake up earlier though.  I just speak from my experience and hope that it's helpful to someone, or at least just great information. 

This isn't the one I use, but it's cute
So, what are the things on your 6 most important things to do list for today? Do you even have a 6 most important things to do today list? Or do you even use it? I love how Mary Kay Ash was a woman so ahead of her time and that the things she shared had such amazing wisdom. The 6 most important things to do list is such a big help going from day to day making sure not to forget any follow ups that need to be done, or any other tasks/follow ups. I love and use the planner that you can get from MK section 2, and although I love the fact that it has the place for your 6 most important things, for me those spaces are too small, so I have a little journal that I use. I use one page for each day and I have the days written out in advance so I can change or add a task to another day if I need to. Anyways, I feel like it has been so key for me to make sure I don't forget anything (because I have a horrible memory) and during my customer service hour, I can focus on those customer service tasks on my list, etc. 

Today I am supposed to be calling a sweet girl who was a consultant recently, but she lost her consultant status a couple of months ago. She is wanting to re-sign and let me help her get started again and super focused. I have been spending more time with potentials and consultants to build on our relationship and her trust in me. Because of my personality, I feel like it isn't hard to do, but in the past I just get so focused on my goal that I lose sight of the rest. So, I'll let ya'll know how it goes tomorrow when I post before 7:30 am. 

Also, I am still getting orders from my Diva Deals fliers, so if you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should think about it or even something similar.

So, I hope that ya'll have found this useful today, and I look forward to posting tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Looking Forward

Good Morning!

I have been crazy busy as I said in my last post, so this morning I am up early so I can share with you what all has been going on.

Let me start with where I left off last, which was 2 weeks ago. I was booking up a storm, I had facials that weekend and then also during this time a great friend of mine, Crystal Timbes, who is my director's personal recruit, was in the last few days of Month 3 DIQ. So we were all cheering her on to finish it all up by the end of month 3 because she was so close. I was continuing to hold appointments that I had booked and scheduling new ones. Plus at our last meeting Crystal shared a sale with us that she was doing and encouraged us to do it as well. Then Saturday midday she FINISHED! Wow, were we excited for her! She is now a Brand New Sales Director! So I have been talking to her about where I feel like God has shown me I need to improve in my business and it's the same things I've discussed on here. She also had given me a couple of "things to do" with some of my current team members that aren't active and some of my customers.
Here is the sale that Crystal showed us:

I sent a text message to all of my customers and said, "Hello Suzy :) This is Amy with MK. I am in a challenge this week and I wanted to share a special deal with you. I am working towards getting 25 women to place an order based on the attached flier. I would just ask that you look at the flier to see if there are a few things that you need or would like to get. You get to choose 4 items for the price of 3! I appreciate you :)"

Then, about 4 days later I sent the following message to those I hadn't heard from, "Hey, it's Amy, I'm sure u've been crazy busy and my text may have gotten burried?? I just wanted to make sure you got my last text and let you know that today is the last day of my challenge and the Diva Deals sale I sent you. Is there anything you need/want?"

 With the first text, I did get several text messages back. Some were ordering product and some were letting me know that they were interested and that they would look at it later. I got 3 orders the first day, 1 order the second day and then when I sent the 2nd text I got 2 additional orders. One of those last two orders was a customer who wanted to help, but could only get one item from the list so I told her that it still did help me with my challenge.

The first flier is the one I sent to my customers, and then the second flier is just a tracking sheet for my own personal use. Although I have not filled it completely, it was great to be able to see my progress by using it. There was another girl that comes to our meetings who did it as well and she got half of the 25 orders. So this was successful as far as we were concerned.

Now that Crystal is officially done with DIQ, I have asked her if I can "pick her brains" on my way back to DIQ and she is letting me ask her all sorts of questions. Monday I began working even more! Monday and Tuesday I felt like the amount of work I was doing and time I was spending was like I was already in DIQ again! So my first goal this month is to finish up my star so that I can go back into DIQ by the end of this month. I have plenty of work ahead of me, but I am completely willing to do the work!

I will post again Friday morning before 7:30am, so be on the lookout!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Crazy Busy Is A Good Thing

Wow, I've been so crazy busy that I haven't even taken a moment to write, so tomorrow before 7:30am be on the lookout for a post where I will let ya'll know everything that's been going on in my business and some things I have been doing! It's so exciting! I have so much to talk about!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Drum Roll Please

I'll begin by telling you all...I'm sorry to let you down, but I will not be mailing out any checks! Woo hoo! I called/text 93 different people yesterday! I feel like I have so much to talk about today. First, I actually found some leads that I needed to follow up with. I usually text referrals one time and if I don't hear from them that's it. However, recently a sweet friend in our unit, Crystal (In her 3rd month of DIQ!!), sent me her text messages that she sends to referrals and she is sending referrals up to 3 messages! Here they are:
So I decided I'd give it a try. So yesterday it had been 6 days since I last text the last of my referrals and I started sending out text #2 to the ladies who didn't respond. I felt like not much was happening at first, but then I started getting lots of different texts. Some people replied no thank you, I got some that said they did not live here (So I asked to send them a Facial In A Bag and they said yes), and some said, you are right, I didn't even realize I got a message from you or that it really did get buried. I wound up booking at least 2 more and I'm sending out a couple of facial in a bags and then one lady, who was very against trying anything on her super sensitive skin, allowed me to send her a sample of our botanicals to try. I was really excited about the results and really this is much like calling referrals. If you don't get an answer when you call you may or may not leave a message, but until you actually get a hold of them and talk, you try back. I don't ever want to seem pushy or irritating and I felt like the 2nd text was extremely nice and polite. I didn't get any responses that made me feel like the person felt annoyed or anything. I tell you that because I know so many of us worry about sounding pushy.

Yesterday I also got $120 in sales. On my car, I have the 11x17 vinyl letter car decal from mkconnections and my UPS guy, who always brings my Mary Kay packages to me, noticed my decal along with the packages and asked me about it one day. He said that his wife had lost her consultant and that she needed some products. So I explained that I keep products on hand and if he finds out what she wants I can get it right to her. So yesterday he stopped by during his route and gave me a list of products she needed and I got them bagged up and he was able to bring it to her that night. Then I got a call from one of my customers that I text messaged yesterday and she said that she needed the cleanser and moisturizer, so I got another easy sale. On both orders, the total before tax was $40 or more so I gave both customers our current gift with purchase. I also accidentally found this really cool postcard that goes along with the current gift with purchase. Here is what it looks like, but I have also included the link to where I found it so you can use it if you want. So I filled in the postcard, printed one sheet of 4 on cardstock, cut them out and included one of these cards in both orders.

Today will be a light day of work with my son going crazy around me. So the last thing that I want to encourage you to do is Follow me on this blog. By clicking on follow, you will be updated every time I post so you'll never miss an exciting post! So until tomorrow, ya'll have a wonderful, magnificent Thursday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

$$$ On The Line!

Yesterday was our meeting night and we had a great time talking about booking and some different eye looks that are a part of our color confident course.

Today's plan for me is strict. I will be working one straight hour at a time, giving myself a small break in between. I will be focused on coaching first, then customer service and then interviews. I do plan to work four full hours still even though booking is not on the list today. I have actually run out of referrals so I will make up for that Saturday and Monday. Saturday I have facials and Monday I actually plan on purchasing some leads. I am wanting to get some major volume going and then work on being very focused on each of those ladies that I meet. I feel as though God has shown me that sometimes I get so involved in my goal that I don't take as much time with each individual as I really should. Not really through the facials, but mostly after the facials. So I plan to get much better at that, and with the 4 hour plan, I will have no excuses.

I look forward to meeting my goals with you! So Going back to the Sean Smith training that I talked about a while back, I am setting a goal that I am posting here and putting a dollar amount on!
So I commit to call/text 50 people whether it be for booking an interview, facial, or a customer service follow up by midnight tonight.  If I don't complete the tasks, I will send a $10 check to the first 10 people who comment on this post. 

Now what are you willing to do to make YOUR dreams happen?
I love you all so much!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Quick Update

Today was very productive in the little time that I had for my work. I used an hour today for booking and was able to book roughly 3 today.  I also allotted 1 hour of time today towards some cleanup of my customer files. Tomorrow is a meeting day so ill b using 11-3pm for my work on my 4 hour plan and then ill get ready for my girls night out meeting. I hope to book at least one guest for tomorrow evening.

Thats all for today's update. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and ill post again Wednesday morning.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Getting It Done

So Saturday I worked my 4 hour plan and I have one new interview scheduled and 4 new bookings with several more in the works. Just by contacting my customers to book interviews I have another sale coming this week as well.  It sure feels good to be getting dirty with my 4 hour plan again. I have several tasks that are not 4 hour plan things but they still need to be done, so I'll work on those using an additional hour of non I.ncome P.roducing A.ctivities time. I'm just saying, working only 5 hours a day is still super awesome compared to working a full time J.O.B. So I'll gladly work an additional hour to get necessary tasks done.

Where Will You Be?
So with Seminar approaching quickly, my thoughts are just racing on what position I want to hold while I'm there. You know, walking around with which career level you're at, plastered boldly on your name badge. Last seminar I had DIRECTOR-IN-QUALIFICATION on my badge along with my ribbons. This year I am really working towards holding that title again. That means I have a lot of work to do, but I'll do the work and let God take care of the rest. If you haven't thought much about it, our seminar year is over June 30th! That's not that far away, but it's plenty of time to make some things happen too. So, what is your goal for June 30th? Think about it, pray about it, write your goals down, and then go for it! You can do anything you want to!

Today has been a family day so I have not worked any, and I will be doing very little on Monday so I'll make sure to write another post Monday evening.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Seminar Coming

Wow, I feel like I'm exploding back into my business and work. Yesterday turned out to be more getting things back into order than the really should have been, however I'm giving myself some slack and I'll now be super laser focused for tomorrow. Today my husband is off so I'll be spending the day with him while sending a few text messages to follow up with some girls. I don't have any booking for tomorrow so I'll be using tomorrow as a full 4 hour day. I'm probably going to be doing more booking than the other three because that's what I need most right now, but I will definitely be doing part of my interview time as well. I have several ladies that I had written on a list before everything happened recently so I'll be contacting them to schedule an interview.

Seminar is getting so close and i'm getting so excited! I can't wait to see all the wonderful things that our wonderful company has in store for us this year.

So yesterday I realized that I didn't have any goal posters up of any sort. I took the old ones down about a month ago and I hadn't made a new one. So I drew some stuff on my dry erase board for now so that everything is staring me in the face. Did you know that most people don't write down their goals and if you don't write them down, you are less likely to achieve them!

So tomorrow I'll be working and I'll do my best to write at the end of the day about my results so ya'll don't have to wait until Monday to find out how my day went.
I look forward to talking to ya'll then!

"It's not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you were yesterday."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Keep Going!

Today's post is going to be based upon my quiet time with God today. Many of us have felt the excitement that leads us to action to bring us to the next level in our businesses. I am writing today about what I have felt recently and what God has shown me, because I feel as though others can possibly relate.

Today during my devotional time I was reading about Satan and how he is a created being, therefore he is limited in what he can do. Here is the actual devotion if you'd like to read it:

SPENDING TIME alone with Me is essential for your well-being. It is not a luxury or an option; it is a necessity. Therefore, do not feel guilty about taking time to be with Me. Remember that Satan is the accuser of believers. He delights in heaping guilt feelings upon you, especially when you are enjoying My Presence. When you feel Satan’s arrow’s of accusation, you are probably on the right track. Use your shield of faith to protect yourself from him. Talk with Me about what you are experiencing, and ask Me to show you the way forward. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to Me, and I will come near to you.
*REVELATION 12:10  *EPHESIANS 6:16  *JAMES 4:7-8
This all led me to such a powerful prayer time where I just allowed the Holy Spirit to pour into me. Crazy to me as it sounds, it has been one year since I was in DIQ.  Since being in this company, my relationship with the Lord has grown so much. There are many factors involved, however, I have never had such an in depth, intimate relationship with God as I have since being in Mary Kay. That being said, my relationship with God was definetly growing through the DIQ process, and has continued to do so.  I have known since my first seminar (only a few months after signing up) that this was exactly where God wanted me.   As I went through DIQ, I was continuously growing in my faith and in my business, and I knew even then that being a national sales director one day was in my future.  I finished month 1, 2 and 3 of DIQ and was unable to complete the last month, so I was going to resubmit for DIQ, however I soon found out that I did not qualify to resubmit at that time.  That was really hard for me, but I prayed a lot and just relied on God for strength and continued moving forward.  Although the past month or so has seemed like an uneventful time in my business, I had continued doing work through this whole past year, and almost feeling frustrated that I wasn't back in DIQ yet. This was definitely something I continued to pray about. I knew even then that this is where God wants me and I felt frustrated that I had not obtained that next level even though I was doing so much work. So over this past month or so, I feel as though God has used that time as a resting period for me, so I could rejuvenate myself almost like vacation from my business.  After today's devotion and prayer time, I asked God why I just continued to feel like this is exactly where I should be, yet I don't feel like I'm moving, and today I really felt as though God was telling me that he needed to grow me more before he put me in that position. He needed me to have an even deeper relationship with him and that this time I've spent dealing with our loss, and my son and I being sick for a week each has been a part of his grander plan.  The reason why I decided to share all of this today is because I feel as though sometimes we rely so much on ourselves, that we forget who is all powerful and can and will make things happen for us (with our obedient work) when the time is right. So, we can follow a plan of action, set goals and work towards those goals, but we must keep God number 1 just like this business is designed to do, but we also have to keep our minds and hearts in line with God's plan and timing as well. So don't be discouraged when things don't go your way, remember that if you know where God placed you and wants you, that he will make it happen in his timing if you stay focused on him.  Sometimes we get caught up in our own plans and timing and that's when we can become discouraged. After my quiet time with God today, I really feel as though he has me right where he needs me to be and that after this past month or so, it's now time for me to move into the next level. So I will be working towards DIQ again with God by my side.  I also want to make sure that you know I'm not saying not to work towards your goals and dreams that God has placed in your heart, because I know from experience that is how he has grown me. By me doing the work towards becoming a director, he has used this time to grow me to the place he needs me to be. 

I hope today's post is an encouragement to everyone. I love you all and I always appreciate your love and kindness!

I will be doing my 4 hour plan today and I will be posting about it tomorrow!

Have a fabulous day!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This post will b short,  but I have not written like I had intended,  so I wanted to make sure to write at least a little.  I am feeling really under the weather to say the least so ill be headed to the doctor tomorrow.

I've decided that it's really important to discuss what results I have gotten from the past few days without even doing any work. I have one new booking, and roughly $200 in sales. Some of those sales are referrals as well which means new customers for me; two to be exact. This is the kind of thing that makes me smile. Its just a great feeling to get a call or text about a new booking, new customer, or another reorder.

Let's make this a super week. I know im going to do what I can.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Day of April

So, it is the last day of April and time is winding down on this very special deal where the company has allowed us to offer getting started with our opportunity for a reduced price. I still have one in the works right now, and since I have done very little work this month, I'm hoping it will come through so I can offer this promotion next month as well. 

It's such an exciting time as we end another month and get closer and closer to the end of our Mary Kay seminar year, which means SEMINAR is so close! Who is attending? I highly recommend that you attend if you weren't already planning to. It is amazing and you won't regret it! If you have not already registered, or did not have priority registration, you can register starting tomorrow!! 

Tomorrow is the start of a brand new month and we must shut this month down strong! 
I will post again Friday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

MK Love

Yesterday I had to take my son to the doctor and because it was Monday everyone was there and they were so awesome to squeeze us in, however, there was a bit of a wait. I should have brought my work with me, so I could at least send text messages, however I wasn't thinking about it so I got zero hours of work done yesterday.  I do want to share a couple of small things though. 

First, I have these business card magnets that you can peel off the backing and stick your own business card to it. I made about 5 so I can start placing them in orders that I'm mailing out, or to new clients. I know you can order them though mkconnections (and they look like they would be awesome), however I've just got the supplies to do it myself and I think its probably a bit cheaper this way too. You can buy these for about $10-15 for a 100 pk. and that makes them less than .30 ea. when you include the cost of the business cards.

Second, have you seen this? I saw it, and although I'm not sure where it originally came from, it is so cute, eye catching and intriguing. I posted it on my fb page and it's catching some attention. We only have today and tomorrow left for this awesome deal (until you sign up someone this month and then it's extended through next month as well), so we have got to make the best of it! 
Tonight is our meeting so I'll be using this time to soak up the MK love and get my motivation on! Ya'll have a wonderfully wonderful day!

DOUBT is a choice. Just like BELIEF is a choice. -Unknown

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Storm Is Passing

Thank you to everyone for all of the love, support and prayers.  We have been though so much mentally and physically since mid March, and I am so grateful to say that God has brought us through this with a peace during the times that it was most needed. Of course we still are going through and will be going through certain stages for a while, but I know that God is good. There are still days where maybe something I see, hear or even think about will bring up the pain and it will just hit me hard. It's very unexpected when it happens so it's hard to know how to avoid those things. I just never really know what will do it. There are days like Friday that the pain hits me unexpectedly, however overall I am doing well mentally and physically. On April 1, 2014 at 1:08am we gave birth to a baby boy. We then named him Joseph Edward Rico. My husbands name is Joe and most people think his real name is Joseph so we thought that was perfect. It also means "he will add" and Joseph has added to our family and we know God will add to our family again. And Edward is my husbands middle name so we thought it would go well. We look forward to being able to see him and hold him in heaven one day, until then, he is in the arms of our Heavenly Father.

This week and last, I have been taking care of our sick little boy. He has ear infections in both ears and strep throat, so he has only wanted to lay on me. Today he is playing a little, so I'm trying to get some things done.

I'm so ready to get busy with my 4 hour plan! Today I am going to attempt at least 1-2 hours as long as my son lets me. My main focus is going to be on interviews and following up with those that have shown any interest in the opportunity, then booking. I'm really looking forward to first, getting back into my red jacket. It makes getting ready for the meetings so easy and it also makes packing for seminar really easy.

The race is on! Are you running? Ready...Set..GO!!!

The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. -Unknown

Friday, March 21, 2014

Past Week or so....

I have finally gotten to a point where I could take care of a few things that really needed to be taken care of. I apologize for the silence for the past however long it has been. I'm going to attempt to write without crying my eyes out, but I feel as though I need to explain my silence.

Recently at our 14 week prenatal checkup, our midwife could not find our baby's heartbeat, so she sent us to get a sonogram the next morning. When we got there and the doctor did the sonogram, there was no longer a heartbeat. Our baby is no longer with us. It looks as though our baby left us at about 13 weeks. This is not as common in the second trimester. The next steps are going to be what I think will be the most difficult of all, because my body will now go into labor to deliver our baby. It could be tomorrow or in two weeks. I know that many people have gone through this in different ways. Please know that we have asked all the necessary questions to make the most informed decisions about this next step. This is what feels right for us and what we are most comfortable with.

I do have appointments tomorrow for facials and they will actually be the first time I'm going out since all of this. I have so many things physically and emotionally to think about and I'm just not sure what to expect out of this next few weeks. I'm not really sure what else to really say at this point, so for now, just bear with me as far as this blog is concerned, as I deal with this extreme pain and loss. I will continue this blog and my journey towards directorship and I'd love for you to come along on the journey!

I love you all so much!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yesterday I did not have any new orders but I did accomplish several things that had to be done plus some. So yesterday I talked about an interview list that I was putting together and today I wanted to explain and talk about it a bit. Yesterday as I was filling in my excel sheet with the prior days results and putting away new orders and sales receipts, I started to realize that there are several ladies that I really want to interview, but I have not for one reason or another. For some, it may be just because our original time had to be rescheduled, and for others maybe we just haven't scheduled a time yet. So I decided that I was going to write me a list (even though I keep track of my faces with a tracking sheet that shows if I interviewed them or not) so that I could have all their names and numbers on one sheet. When I was finished I had 23 names to contact. I will begin working on calling those ladies today and since my director is doing a drawing for a Vera Bradley bag, I'll also let them know how they will be entered into that as well.  One of those ladies on my list, actually sent me a text talking about her product yesterday so we scheduled her interview and completed it yesterday as well. She is ready to start her MK business which is super exciting, and we will finalize the rest of her agreement on Friday! 

So, this past Saturday my director, Lisa, had a big celebration at our studio for new reds and all consultants were able to come and bring guests as well, so during the guests makeovers consultants broke out into different rooms for different training. Something that I really liked just because of its simplicity was the Focus Folder that we learned about in my training. I know that I have seen and heard of different things similar to this, however I really like this one a lot. It takes hardly any time to prepare and you create a new one each month. 

 This one shows the front. I know its not the brightest image, but I was just trying to recreate the front really fast since mine actually had names all over it. On the front, you just put the month and year at the top on the tab, and then for me, I am working towards 10 active this month so I put 10 spaces and I'm filling in who is active, not just who is on my team, but who is actually active. Then on the right side I have my goals for the month. As team members become active I add their names and I keep track of my goals.

This shows the inside. It's really simple. I have a goal of 30 faces and 30 share sessions/interviews. So I just fill in each space with who I have done a facial on and who I have interviewed.  In fact, as I was typing I just realized that I needed to add yesterday's interview to the sharing side. Mine actually has lots of names since I have already done almost half of my faces for the month.

So, that is my focus folder and my director and I are both keeping one on me and what I have done. She has one that looks just like mine so she can also keep up with what I'm doing to help me achieve my goals.

I have a very busy day ahead of me with calls to make and star to finish so I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. –Jesus

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Last night was my success meeting and I added up the total of sales from last Monday to this Monday and I sold $553. I didn't realize it was so much, but it was exciting to see. Star quarter is ending this Saturday the 15th! Are you ready? Have you finished up this quarter as a star consultant? I have only a little left to go and I'm sprinting to the finish line!

I'm also so excited to see out Makeover day total was 58,808! That was a record breaking number so congrats to everyone who participated in that!

Yesterday was a family get together day and then the success meeting. I did have one guest that had to reschedule, but that is ok, and we will get together soon.

I am working on an interview list currently, and I'll tell you a little more about that tomorrow. Until then, have a smokin' day filled with productive activities!

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

(I thought that was a really funny quote, and so true! We must motivate ourselves daily!)

Monday, March 10, 2014


Saturday I did 6 facials and sold $84. I also got referrals that I haven't counted. I was able to submit my number of facials to Mary Kay for the makeover day totals and I can't wait to see our record breaking number for this year.  I also scheduled 2 ladies for changing their colors, since they hadn't done that in a while.

Today's results are also going to be talked about today! I will not be able to post tomorrow so I figured I'd go ahead and let the cat out of the bag about today's results! I had $387 in sales today! I would have done more today as far as the 4 hour plan goes, however I had to take it easy and rest for the remainder of the day (midwife's orders).  I'm so excited to share these results with you, because sometimes the orders I get just come from prior seeds planted and prior work. You just never know when you will be reaping the benefits from certain work. God has a wonderful way of doing that just at the right time.

Ya'll have a marvelous day tomorrow and I'll talk to ya'll soon!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

2014 Makeover Day!!

Today is the day to celebrate International Women's Day with Mary Kay's Makeover Day! How exciting! There will be a live broadcast with makeup artists straight from Dallas and what a fantastically unique opportunity to get women excited about getting a makeover today.

Yesterday I did 2 facials and made $106 in sales. I also love thinking now, when I sell something, that I have made a new customer, because I will be checking up with them, unlike my methods before using the 4 hour plan.  I would totally intend upon checking in with my customers, but then I'd only get to a few. Now, I can talk to all of them and feel confident that they are being taken care of properly.

Today I have a party of 4 at 10am confirmed, then I have 4 others scheduled with their groups at 1pm and I have 1 at 5pm.  I can't wait to share the results and I'd love to hear from ya'll as well on your results!

Make it a Makeover-licious day!

Friday, March 7, 2014


Yesterday I buckled down and knocked my 4 hours out of the way, ending my day with 4 new bookings and 3 new booked interviews. I was also able to spend some time talking to my wonderful team members and letting them know what my goals are this month. I have received such wonderful support by everyone and I'm looking forward to this entire month's journey.

Mary Kay's Makeover Day is this Saturday! Wow, I can't believe it's already almost here. Last year I wasn't really working my business much during the makeover day time frame so I didn't participate in it at all. This year I have been working my business lots and then when I found out about the makeover day I was thinking, well that's cool, I'll already be doing facials that day anyways.  It's great how that just works when you are working your business. I'm really looking forward to Saturday and all the wonderful ladies I'll be meeting.

Today I have 1 confirmed appointment, 1 that hasn't confirmed and an interview call. I'm looking forward to today's results from the appointments and I'll still be working on my 4 hour plan as well.  So I'm going to start getting ready for my first appointment of the day and I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!!

The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. –Bill Cosby