Saturday, February 22, 2014


I'm going to make this entry very fast because I am getting ready to do some facials this morning and I'll be out for the rest of the day doing facials at different times.

Yesterday I went to another day care to hand out flowers and enter women for a chance to win the gift basket. Something that I learned from, was to make sure that you are not dealing with an in home day care. I didn't realize this was an in home day care until I was on my way. They were very nice, but there were only 5 kids total and I spent 2 hours there and got 3 new leads. So anyone who is planning on doing the day care thing, know that I think it's fabulous, however you have to make sure that it's not an in home day care for the maximum results. 

After I left there, I went home and began calling the mom's from the first day care and I got 10 bookings in two hours!! Wow! Let me just tell you that I think the ratio of women who actually booked from this was tremendous and totally worth stepping outside of my comfort zone to go get new leads in person instead of buying them from an online source (which i have done before).  Keep that in mind when you are deciding how to get some new leads. 

Really quickly, this is the script I used when calling these moms.......
Is this Sue? This is Amy with Mary Kay. I met you at the ABC Day care last Wednesday when I was handing out flowers! I am calling you because you were one of my winners! You won a complimentary facial for yourself and up to 4 friends and a $10 gift certificate to be given to you at your appointment! So I'd like to go ahead and and get you scheduled; is a weekday or weekend better for you?

If you reach voice mail..............
Hi Sue! This is Amy with Mary Kay. I wanted to let you know that you were one of my winners from when I came to ABC daycare last Wednesday. Please call me so I can let you know what you won and how you can get it! My # is 555-555-6677. I'll talk to you then! Thanks!

It was so super simple and the ladies were responding very excitedly, which made booking even easier. Go out and step a little out of your comfort zone today, what's the worst that can happen? You grow a little!

Have a Super Saturday!

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