Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"The Decision" & Coaching

I'm so excited! For a while I've been doing this 4 hour plan (not perfectly) and although I had made "the decision" to do this 4 hour plan, I had not made "the decision" to become a director. Those who have made "the decision" at some point in their career understand what I'm talking about. This is that change in your mindset that says, I am going to make this happen no matter what. It's already happened, now I just have to do whatever it takes to see that. I didn't realize until yesterday that I hadn't actually made that decision to become a director. I made that decision once before and that was what led me to DIQ, however after I didn't finish DIQ, it's taken me a while to get back to this point. I feel it's important to make sure that you know, my story is different from yours, and every person has a different path that gets them to their dreams. There are women who are directors within a few months of being in MK and there are women who have taken years to do the same. So, keep that in mind, because it doesn't have to take you as long, and if it's been a while, you are still fully capable of making it happen.  So woo hoo! I'm excited because I now know that this will be in my very near future with my faith in God guiding me!

Now, something that I know I have been lacking in....Coaching. I have not been coaching the way I should be; the right way. So today as a part of my growth I listened to Tammy Crayk's coaching audio that's on her website. I took 6 pages of notes which included her scripts. If you haven't listened to this in a while or if you feel as though you could use some brushing up in that area, I recommend listening to it, because I now feel even more excited about how I'm going to make Directorship my reality!

The last thing that I wanted to share is about the tracking sheet that I've been using this month for my faces. In the past, I'd just pull up any facial tracking sheet I could find online and use it, however I found one that I'm using this month that I will now use every month! You're probably wondering why. Well, before I just wanted something to put their name and mark off a face (I like pictures on my tracking sheets). This month I am using one that not only has a picture, but a place for their name, amount purchased, if I booked them, and if I interviewed them. Since I am really serious about the 4 hour plan and becoming a director, this is going to be crucial. I will be able to figure my $ per facial average easily, I will be able to go back and see who I haven't booked and go book them for their 2nd appointment, and see who I haven't interviewed and setup a time to interview them. This will make sure that I can easily see all opportunities on one tracking sheet instead of depending upon notes on my profile cards or notes on my calendar. I'm loving it already, because it also helps with time management. I can get things done faster because I don't have to hunt, it's all right there for me.

Well, I've gotta go get busy on my full 4 hours today! I cannot wait to share the results of my day!

"Most people get more in life of what they don't want rather than what they want because they never decide what it is they want."   -Keith A. Craft

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