Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Happy February! This is GO time! Yesterday I spent 2 hours doing all the tasks from the 4 hour plan. I had spent a big portion of my day with my son and just thinking about working, but then I decided to get off my butt and get busy, even if there was only a couple of hours left that I could work with. This makes me think of a thought provoking phrase that I heard today, "What got you here, will not take you there." Isn't that powerful? This is another reason to change what I am doing. I will not give up, because as long as I continue pushing forward, God will make this dream, that He has placed in my heart, a reality.

So yesterday I contacted several women that I have done facials with recently, to setup phone inner-views. I have one new one setup for today and she will be listening to my director's marketing line before we talk. I also followed up with several ladies who have recently purchased from me, just to check on them and their product. Finally, I contacted quite a few referrals to get bookings, and obtained 1 new booking from that. For only working two hours yesterday, I felt as though that was pretty good.

So as I look at what's ahead for today, I see wonderful results coming my way that will catapult me into the next level!

Have a fabulous day!

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