Thursday, February 20, 2014


Yesterday after listening to the coaching training, I started thinking about how I could get started using that now. I have plenty of bookings that are single or even double facials from referrals. So I started thinking about Tammy's coaching scripts which you can get from that same audio training. The link is in the prior journal entry. I started to think about how I could do this with referrals, and I currently use a text booking script that I really like and I decided to change it into a phone call and this is what I've come up with so far.....
Is this Mary? You don't know me but I did a facial with Jane Smith and my name is Amy. I am in need of a favor and she said you were really nice and might help me out. I am in a contest with Mary Kay to do 60 free makeovers this month! Could I borrow your face? I am not pushy and it's super fast and fun!  (wait for answer)  
(This next part is where Tammy's script starts and I've changed it a tad to match the situation)
Sure: Great, so Mary, we can do this one of two ways, if you want to do this privately, I do my individual facials on (Saturday mornings) or if you want to do it with friends at your house or mine & these are the options I have for those dates. 
With friends: Great, then let me tell you what I'm offering my hostesses (explain your hostess plan). (Then continue with Tammy's script) Mary, I'm really excited to help you get that (Brush set) for free, and that is truly my number one goal......(The rest of the script is on her audio training). 

This just helped me see how I could take referrals and change them into a bigger opportunity. I attempted it once via text, but I'm thinking that's just not a great way to do this. She told me that she didn't know very many people, so I still booked her for an individual facial, but I decided that I would need to call for the best results. 

So yesterday I got a new booking and today I'll finish talking to another girl that decided her date later last night after I was done for the day. 

Today is my husband's day off so I will be doing minimal work. I can't wait to tell you how my day care leads go tonight!

Have a fabulous DAY!

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