Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday Interviews

Yesterday I had two interviews on the phone and since my son was home all day sick, I was so thankful that my director was able to do the first one, and for the second one my son was sleeping, which was perfect! 

I want to rewind a bit for those who don't know me. I have done interviews on my own, in person and on the phone, many times. I have gotten great guidance from my director, Lisa Reimer, so that I could start building the confidence to do them without her. At this point, I can't even count the number of interviews I've done. 

Yesterday, when I did the second interview, I was following the interview sheet from Sean Key, "The 4 KEY Questions".  As I looked at the first question, "Tell me a little more about yourself (i.e., family, job, hobbies, etc.)" I was thinking to myself, I just did a facial with her, so I know those answers already, so I skipped over the first two questions. As I continued through the interview, It felt awkward to me. She wasn't a big talker, and I didn't seem to know what to say. That was not like me at all, and like I said, I've done many interviews myself before and felt like they went great, even if they didn't result in a new team member. After the interview I discussed my feelings and how it went with my director, and she gave me some advice that I think may be very helpful to others as well. When it comes to the first couple of questions, it can be a big benefit that you already know those things about her. That means you can ask her to elaborate on those things that she's already told you. This is a great time for her to see that you were listening to her when ya'll originally got together too. For example, if she had told you she is a hairdresser, when you are doing the interview, you could say something like, I know that you said you are a hairdresser, so tell me more about that. How long have you been doing it? Do you enjoy it? etc.. This is a benefit because now you can get down more to the "nitty gritty". You can find out what makes her tick and then that will help you and her to see if things that she says can relate to Mary Kay in some way; If this would be a good fit for her. Sometimes the things that she says while ya'll are talking will help her see her potential in MK, without you having to say it. The other thing that is needed when doing an interview and asking questions, is confidence. This is something that can take time to build, but the more you do them the more confidence you will gain. 

So that leads me to another wonderful tool. My director also had me go back to listen to her marketing line since it's the one I use. I encourage each of you to go listen to the marketing line that you give others to listen to. It has been about 6-8 months since I listened to hers last, and when I went back and listened (even though I know her story pretty well, and feel like I wouldn't hear anything new) I felt as though it just brought back my original thoughts, and excitement. For me, its the thoughts and excitement of bringing others into this wonderful business and opportunity, while seeing such a potential for myself through all of that. Don't get me wrong, I have a crazy passion for what I'm doing, there is no doubt, I love it and God has shown me in so many ways that this is exactly where He wants me, but something about listening to that marketing line again, really spoke to me. I could probably listen to someone else's hotline/story, and I'd find some new passion/excitement that was just brought back as well. So again, I encourage you to listen to the marketing hotline that you give potential recruits. I challenge you to listen to it without any distractions and let it speak to you, and at the very least, the words spoken will be fresh on your mind.

My interviews yesterday went okay. I have scheduled a time in several months to talk to the first one again, and the second one is just not interested, and that's okay. It's not for everyone. 

Today is a brand new day! I am so excited because I will be a director this year!!!
Go out and impact the world today!


"It always seems impossible until it's done" -Nelson Mandela

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