Thursday, February 6, 2014


Wow, what a day it was yesterday! Where do I begin? Well, I did the full 4 hours yesterday and can I just say that it shows in the numbers! Even though there are days where I don't do the full 4 hours and maybe I break it into 1 or 2 hours, it still gets me results, but boy it's wonderful to see the results from 4 hours!

So I'm going to leave you hanging for just a minute while I tell you that I have noticed that different days yield different results. Sometimes it because of the people you are calling/texting to book, sometimes maybe it's just because the customers that you are calling that day to service still have enough product, but overall consistency will show you the results that are discussed in Tammy's plan. Now, isn't that exciting!?

Ok, so now for the results of my day. I have eight new bookings from yesterday. 1 for our success meeting, 2 parties with 4+ at their houses, and the rest are for our studio with at least 1-2 friends coming with them. It's funny, because as I was booking yesterday I actually forgot to count and I had to go back through all my new bookings on my calendar to count them up this morning. That is a great problem to have though. I also had a customer reorder from me yesterday. When she was texting me what she needed, she was only a few dollars away from 40 which meant she could get a Free Gift With Purchase if she found one more thing to add, so I explained that to her and she is deciding what else she needs so she can get her free gift. So let's just say it's at least a $40 sale.

Yesterday, while I was working hour three, my husband came home for lunch, I stopped my time, and had a nice lunch with him. This is one example of the wonderful flexibility that this business offers me. Now, I must say that there are times that we must choose to keep the commitment to ourselves to complete our work for the day by choosing not to do something. My example of that yesterday comes from my husband being here for lunch, which got me sitting and relaxing, and then (due to pregnancy) I became really tired. I could have fallen asleep in a minute of laying down. However, I chose to start back up in my third hour and get it completed so that by the time 7pm came around I'd already be done so I could attend church. I told myself, that if I had time to take a nap once I was done, then I would, but good thing I chose to do it that way, because I didn't have time to take a nap. Overall, I was happy with my results! Directorship, here I come!!

What an awesome day! It feels so wonderful to end the day that way, and I will be doing it again today.
Talk to you tomorrow!

"Our results will not change until our habits change"


  1. Hello I saw your post via FB and so I came on over to read your blog. Keep up the good work. I would like to take the challenge with you. I saw the video on youtube about the 4 hour plan about a month ago. I'm going to go for it :)

  2. I'm so excited to hear that! Thank you for your words of encouragement. I would love for you to take this challenge with me and keep me updated on your results as well :) You can do anything that you put your mind to, it's just about making the decision.
