Friday, February 21, 2014

New Leads

Although yesterday was sort of supposed to be my other day off, I still worked some because I already had appointments setup. I went to another day care and handed out flowers, entered them in the drawing and I wound up with 36 new leads! Some places will be better than others, because the first day care
that I did last Wednesday, I bought at least 50 flowers and got 27 leads. The day care I went to yesterday, I bought about 36 flowers and got 36 leads! Although I've only been to two, I'd say it may also have to do with the day care staff as well. The lady at the front desk was awesome yesterday! Once I told her she could enter for the basket as well, she did and then took several and made sure to get every worker to enter too. She also encouraged parents to enter as they were walking in the door before I could even see them. Overall it was great and I have another day care that I'll be going to today as well.

I also got 1 new booking yesterday from someone I had talked to on Tuesday.

I'm about to hit the ground running!!! Go out and make an impact today!

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely." -Henry Ford

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