Monday, February 17, 2014

Sassy Saturday

Saturday I did a total of 6 more facials! I made a 2nd appointment for one group of ladies and their friends and I got some new referrals. I also setup 3 phone interviews. I had $117 in sales for the day and overall the day went good. Sunday was my family day, and that evening my son got sick all over me 4 times! So, needless to say, today has been a recovery day for him, with me not doing any work besides 2 interviews. Thankfully my director was able to do a three way and once I got the conversation started, I muted my end so they couldn't hear my son in the background, and for the next one he will be sleeping.

I will let you know how my interviews went tomorrow and I can't wait to get busy with some work. I'm looking forward to getting some stuff done tomorrow for my business!

Go out and have a Meaningful Monday!

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