Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday's Results!

9 Weeks
Whew, yesterday was so busy, which sure made the day fly by, and it also ended with good results. We had our first sonogram yesterday, which was awesome!

Then my husband and I got flowers, and as soon as I got home I started attaching my business cards to them, getting my gift basket ready, and getting myself ready too. We accomplished a lot in a little amount of time. Then I got to the daycare, got setup, and got busy. When I got home, I counted and I have 27 new leads now. Plus, I booked a referral from the other day. So 27 new leads plus 1 new booking.  

Today I already have great results that I am excited to share with you, but I'll wait until tomorrow when I talk about how my entire day went. I have a facial at 3pm and a party at 6pm. So I have to go get busy on my 4 hour plan for today.

Ya'll go out and make it a magnificent day!

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you except no excuses; only results." 
-Kenneth Blanchard