Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday's Results!!!

I finished up yesterday working a total of 5 hours and 30 minutes! Now I bet that brings about your curiosity as to what results came from all that. So, remember how recently I've run out of referrals? Well, I've been booking a few referrals that I had somehow missed and then working on getting new ones as well. I recently heard about getting referrals from day cares. Let me explain for those who have not heard of this, or maybe as a refresher. 

When you are needing new leads, contact some day cares/private schools and ask:

May I speak to the director?
If not she isn't in: When will she be available so I can call back?
Hello, my name is Amy, and I'm a consultant with Mary Kay, and I'm looking to do a community outreach. I'd like to honor working women and how I want to do that is I would like to set up a little table at your day care and hand a carnation out to eat child for their mother to take home and I also want to do a spa gift basket drawing worth $100 for them to enter to win if they want to. So I just wanted to see if we can schedule a time for me to come do that?
Call around 10/11am and not on Friday. 
Best hours for you to come are typically during pickup....about 4-6:15.
Dont forget to ask about how many parents they expect so you will b prepared with enough flowers.
Attach your business card with a ribbon to the carnation. When mom comes in, you give a carnation and 
say" I have a flower for you because you work so hard."... And then, "and I'm doing drawing for a $100 spa gift basket and mk pampering session if you would like to enter to win".. When dad picks up the child... wait for the dad to pick up the child and then say .." Would you like a flower to take home for your mommy" " I'm also doing a drawing for a pampering session and products if you'd like to enter your wife"
Use enter to win forms : pink forms for the moms and white for the dad's so that when you call back you know what to say.

I used this idea to start contacting day cares yesterday to schedule a time for me to come by and because I am in such need of new referrals, I was even able to schedule a day care for today! I originally was not going to schedule for a Wednesday because I didn't want to miss church, however, I looked at my schedule again and I won't be missing church, I'll just be headed straight to church afterwards. So I scheduled 3 different day cares, one for today and the other two for next week, and I am so excited! 

I also got 3 new bookings for facials/parties yesterday! I've been following up with customers, but I've not had as many to contact lately, so I haven't been receiving as much in reorder sales. My week is looking crazier and crazier on my calendar.  Today I will not have any time for working my 4 hour plan. Me and my husband will be going in for our first sonogram today, which is super exciting and then I have to go get carnations, and borrow a table from my director for the day care event today. I also have to get business cards attached to the flowers and get all the forms printed, make up a gift basket and the list kinda seems to go on a bit. It will be so worth it though when I'm booking these ladies and getting sales, team members, and enriching their lives. I can't wait to let you know how today goes, but for now I'm signing off to go get busy busy busy!

Ya'll have a FABULOUS day!!

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